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Issue with Vraymtl Wrapper


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Hi Guys,


I am stuck with this issue for many days now, I am creating an exterior scene which needs to be rendered out in Multiple Layers and Each Layers in Multiple Passes.


What Comp Artist needs in for every layer he needs a shadow of the hidden objects meaning the objects in the other layer.

for Example :

Layer 1 - House

Layer 2 - Ground

Layer 3 - Trees

Layer 4 - Cars Etc


Now What i am trying to do is Create a Shadow Matte for Ground Layer using VraymtlWrapper( As i ground layer is needed to collect the shadows from other elements) and Turning off Visible to Camera options in object property for all the objects in other layers. but when i render in, there something is completely off with the shadow matte which i have applied to ground layer, please check the attached image for reference.

Shadow Matte.jpg


I am using Vray Camera and I am using Vray Sky as Environment, I tried using the Vray Object Property but its the same results. Please help me guys what i am doing wrong,

I am Using 3ds Max 2017 and Vray 3.4


Btw - For Vraymtl wrapper - I am using Alpha -1.0, Shadow and Effect Alpha option is turned on and Matte object option



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I don't know, if I understand you right, but try to not use Visible to camera and just hide those objects, you don't want to render. If you turn off Visible to camera, objects are not visible, but still casting shadows.



Thanks for ur reply, reason i am using (Turn off visible to camera) is i want the shadows of the hidden objects or the objects not visble to camera. My Concern with the above image is not getting the the proper matte for shadow on the ground.

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