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modeling in max 7


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I need some very basic info on max.

i am used to modeling formz, bringing in 2D drawings and locking them, and modeling over them with solids, and differencing blocks etc.


What is the process in max.

Can I reference in 2D drawings like in autocad or microstation, so they are not in the main model.

Do I extrude polygons and boolean out?


what is the best process.


Thank you in advance.



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There are several ways to model in Max. You can import the dwg files as a reference and start modelling from them (no need to boolean anything). Or, you can extrude the lines you imported, but that would require you to draw in AutoCAD thinking of Max.

Personally, I import the plans and start modelling using boxes and/or the wall tool.

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FormZ works much more intuitively and is much faster than Max, imho.


Basically, most things that take 2 steps in FormZ take about4-5 in Max. I import plans, make splines, attach splines (for windows), extrude. It's a great modeler for furniture and small things, but is cumbersome for larger things, where FMZ shines. Model in FMZ and export to Max, via dwg if you have the option.

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Thanks for advise.

I know how to model in formz I use it everyday in work for 5 years now.

It's what i use full time.


I usually egt the drawings from dgn files as that's what the comapny uses, and then I translate them to dwgs and the import them in to formzbut it dose not handel large 2D drawings everyhting has to stripped out of them.

How dose max handel large 2D plans and elevations.

Can referencesbe rototed and moved?


But lets be honest, you have justify the cost of a package like max by using the entire package it is rediculus to use it for rendering only in that case I have spent the best part of 4500 euros on a render, that seems mad.


How do i model with out using booleans, its the only way to model i have always thought.

Can you explain what you mean by this please ?


and will it be faster.

I want to move between model and rendering in one go,as there are constant changes as I never get a project as finished drawings, who dose.


So advise again would be great.


can you recomend any tutorials for architectural modeling in max. good ones.




thanks phil

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How do i model with out using booleans, its the only way to model i have always thought.


Booleans are the work of the devil...at least in max at any rate. I know from experience of working with others and people doing freelance stuff for me that we all model differently. Some extrude the elevation, some extrude the plan, others start with an editable polygon and start extruding all the forms and surfaces but I don't recall anyone using a boolean except where there is a really odd junction - say an occulus in a curved roof for example.


Have a go with the downloadable Max demo and see how you find it.



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Are you modelling a wall and then cutting out the window and door openings with boolean operations?

If so, just model the wall in sections around the opening. This does away with the need to cut the holes and is more accurate.


I only ever cut out the openings on interior models. Very fast way to model but not entirely reliable for accuracy.

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Thanks again

I have max i got it the other day , but unfortunitly the office i work for is very busy and I can not find the time to learn it, I have deadlines at the end of each week.

I get the gist, stay away from booleans, but what tool do you use to cut openings.


I will have a go soon , and get the head around it ,and I will let you know.

Thanks again for your time, it's good to have somebody to ask simple questions too.


have a good weekend.


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Openeings are best done by making co-planar splines and extruding them all as one object. Make the wall as a spline (shape), place window and door splines, attach all the splines together in the shape modifier then use the extrude modifier to create a complete wall section with thickness. Booleans do work in general but can lead to very messy triangulation.


You can also make a shape, convert it to an editable poly, then use the bevel tool to bevel out a zero amount then scale in to a window size and reposition the vertices to the correct location and repeat.


There are literally dozens of ways to do it but everyone has their own preferred method and only practice will fnd yours.

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