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Submit your Architecture work


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First off... I'm a new member.. and very very impressed with the work that I've seen on this site and hope you can help me, and at the same time, I could help you by getting your artwork displayed.


Alright guys, I'm trying to help Cadre Systems out along with anyone out there who has some cool Architecture work whether it be indoor or outdoor. Basically we need 800 X 600 renders with your copyright info on the bottom of the pic. Also be sure to include your website or contact info.


Basically Cadre Systems is a reseller of Autodesk products and discreet's 3D Studio Max. We just want to show off what the software can do and pretty much need help from people like yourself. I personally don't have the time to kick out a bunch of renders at the moment.


What your getting in return is your work being seen publicly on the website which is at http://www.cadresys.com .. it will be put in the 3D visualization section. Right now we have nothing, but I'm putting up a cool flash page there to contain the images.


So, just post your images here... Cadre Systems does ask that you provide us the permission to use your work for display only. Your picture will not be altered in anyway, nor sold to anyone. It may be used also to display in news letters maybe.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I appreciate anyone who participates and is willing to let us show off your work. Again, be sure to post your image at 800 X 600 and to include copyright information on the pic around the bottom area with website.. ect. It's a great way to get yourself noticed.


If anyone feels this post would be better served in another area within the forum, please let me know.. but this is for 3D Studio Max work.

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