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WANTED: Suggestions for starting residential project


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Over this break I want to start a project modeling a home in Maya. I know it imports dwg files, but it's messy. I'm thinking of importing the house I want to model and then making it a template and start from there.


Who recommends NURBS? Who recommends Polys? Any tips or tricks on making walls, roofs, etc?



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  • 1 month later...

I model in Maya. I tend to use polygons. I trace around the acad files, which import miles better in Maya 6.5! using CV curve tool, then convert them to a surface using planar standard fit(if you are doing curved windows/doors drop the Chord height ratio), then extrude using face extrude(tip, remove your history for the object before you extrude or the rear faces will go wierd!!)


I do roofs, windows etc using the same method.


Hope this helps.

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  • 5 years later...
I model in Maya. I tend to use polygons. I trace around the acad files, which import miles better in Maya 6.5! using CV curve tool, then convert them to a surface using planar standard fit(if you are doing curved windows/doors drop the Chord height ratio), then extrude using face extrude(tip, remove your history for the object before you extrude or the rear faces will go wierd!!)


I do roofs, windows etc using the same method.


Hope this helps.


Some things I would add to this, just trying this out using Maya 2008:


Draw the CV curve

select the curve, then in the surfaces menu options, go to edit curves>open/close curve


with the curve selected still, go to Survaces> Planar you now have a nurb plane


with the plane selected, now to go Modify>Convert>Nurbs to polygons> (box thingy)


This will open the convert nurbs to polys options. I think it is best to use "quads" as the type, then hit apply


now that it is a poly, you can extrude away!

Edited by IllustratorMD
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