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Blending Shapes together

Michael Pickard

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Hi there,


This is going to be quite hard to explain so sorry if you dont understand it.


I have 2 shapes one which is a curve and one which is more of a box shape. (Shown in the image)


Its meant for a bay window which is shown in another image attached.


They need to be joined together but smoothly but every way i have so far i haven't manage too.


Is there an easy to model them so they blend one another so they create one shape.


Many thanks







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If you only consider the outer shapes of the two objects; Add more segments to the top object so that it matches the number of segments of the bottomn one. In edit poly of one of the objects add the other one. Then select the bottomn edges of the top one and the top edges of the bottomn one and click bridge. Then it should make create geometry between the two. Then you can select all the new edges created and click connect, then on the new line you add a chamfer with some segments to make it all appear softer. Hope this made sense.

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