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booleans and max

karl zacharias

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here's a question...i recently used a model from cad 2004 with that smart wall tech. and with a few steps imported it into max. the model was a proto-type of a bank that is being slightly altered to fit other sites. I was extremely impressed with the efficient mesh... a square in an opening had what it should have, 4 verts....very easy to manipulate. however try to boolean in max that same mesh, lets say a wall, is distroyed. will power booleans really improve the operations or should i really begin thinking of modeling more in 2005 cad. i can't figure out why max booleans doesn't have simple verts. assigned after an operation....a window in a plane should have 4 verts. extra after the operation, right?, add another box operand and there should be 8 extra, right?...but not in max

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Npower booleans is awesome! It works great in Max. It was such a pain to boolean in CAD and then bring it into Max. I never liked Max booleans, to much of a hastle. It was great to finally stay in the Max environment and trust the booleans to work.


The only problem I had with Npower was when I upgraded to Max 6 and then I opened the old Max 5 file in Max 6 and my Npower booleans geometries disappeared. Don't know if anyone else has had a problem similar to that.

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