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- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined PLEASE HELP!!!!


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Hi all,


I am new to 3ds Max. I have created a script to create spline in between two splines. It did run initially but all of a sudden it started giving me an error call needs function or class. Can some one please help me to resolve the error.



local new_spline


new_spline = splineShape ()

addNewSpline new_spline


spl1 = selection[1]

spl2 = selection[2]


for s = 1 to (numsplines spl1) do


for k = 1 to (numknots spl1 s) do



current1 = getKnotPoint spl1 s k

current2 = getKnotPoint spl2 s k


local spl1SelInVec = vert spl1 s k current1 (getInVec spl1 s k) (getOutVec spl1 s k)

local spl2SelInVec = vert spl2 s k current2 (getInVec spl2 s k) (getOutVec spl2 s k)


local dir = normalize (spl2SelInVec.pos-spl1SelInVec.pos)

local dist = (distance spl1SelInVec.pos spl2SelInVec.pos)/2.0

local midpos = spl1SelInVec.pos + dir * dist


local dirInVec = normalize (spl2SelInVec.invec-spl1SelInVec.invec)

local distInVec = (distance spl1SelInVec.invec spl2SelInVec.invec)/2.0

local midposInVec = spl1SelInVec.invec + dirInVec * distInVec


local dirOutvec = normalize (spl2SelInVec.outvec-spl1SelInVec.outvec)

local distOutvec = (distance spl1SelInVec.outvec spl2SelInVec.outvec)/2.0

local midposOutvec = spl1SelInVec.outvec + dirOutvec * distOutvec


addKnot new_spline 1 #beziercorner #curve midpos midposInVec midposOutvec



q = querybox "Close Spline?" title:"Inbetween Spline"

if q then


close new_spline 1

updateshape new_spline


select new_spline


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