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How to make Real 60-90-30 Degr Axonometr 3D drawing?


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I made a 3D model in Acad2K4 which is part of a couple of publication drawings. This 3D model must be viewed axonometrical, something I found out later.

Acad supports a standart Isometrical view but not a Axonometrical view of

60-90-30 degr.

I have searched on the internet for solutions but I only found sollutions which come near (see picture).

I already tried to do the following:

command: (vpoint) then ® (-30) (60)

and ddvpoint setting direction on 60degr the hight angle on 30degr.

These 2 don`t give me a true 60-90-30 degr or 30-90-60 degr (I ofcourse always can mirror it back) and turns out to be close (see picture)


Does somebody knows ho I can pruduce a true 60-90-30 Degr Axonometrical view???

Or do I just have to draw it 2D and make it look 3D : /

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