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I would like to have some feedback about the lightning and how well the lightning is mathing with the bg pic. The sun position is just the opposite in the bg pic but if you don't count that :) Any tips for improvement are welcome.



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looks a little flat though....the tiling of the floor is strange too...i guess it could use some more bump...

the lighting itself is boring...no shadows to enhance the scene....why not make the sun pass through thats side?...ur windows and shades should do some richness in the scene that way...

what software are you using anyway?

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Thx for the replies. I have been tweaking the lightning cause it's boring like seif said. I am using max6 and brazil. Light is coming from the right but I think I am using too large area light and that's why the shadows are not so visible on the floor. Gotta try smaller area light. I'll post update if I get better version.

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Here's the latest version of the scene. I now used smaller arealight and shadows are more defined and I slightly moved the light position to get more shadows to the floor. Is it better or much better :) There are now windows atm just the openings. I'll be adding windows next.



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This is the latest version of the pic. I decided to go after more realistic lightning when comparing to background. I am now rendering skylight and keylight on seperate passes so I have more control on how much I want to show the sunlight. A few elements to be added and some tweaks to be made before it's final. What do you think about the pic now?



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