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Getting stuck in geometry while zooming

Lewis Garrison

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I've been searching everywhere for an answer to this for a few weeks now and finally decided to post on here but I apologize if this is a silly question.


Me and my team upgraded to Max 2019 (from 2016) and it appears zooming with the middle scroll wheel works differently. It slows way down when approaching geometry and can even slow to a stop when zooming through heavy geometry. Then once free of the geometry it speeds up slingshoting me way past my target. Often times I get stuck inside walls and furniture and end up having to just zoom extents to free myself. It's been extremely frustrating. This is also the way zooming works in Sketchup and I absolutely hate it.


Is there a way to just turn this off? In 2016 the zoom speed was consistent with what I chose to focus on (z) and it didn't matter what geometry was in the way.

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Not an answer to your question as such, but I take it you're navigating in perspective?


If you select an object and hit Z it should refocus the zoom on that object. Alternatively if you want to freely roam around a 3D space then walkthrough mode might be more useful?

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I'm on 2018 so i don't know about that problem.


But you can try ctrl + alt + wheel mouse button and move the mouse up an down to zoom in and out with the speed that you want.


Edit: ok it happens in 2018 also with the wheel zoom :|, whatever.. the other method should work!

Edited by jesusgomez2
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