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Viewport Control Buttons Missing on Max6 Install


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Hey guys --


I've just had a hell of a day upgrading all our machines to Max6 and the new V-Ray (which still isn't installed -- damned waiting for license authorization) ... Anyway, on one of our workstations the viewport control buttons (pan, zoom, dolly, etc.) aren't appearing in the lower right and instead the area is blanked. See attachment.


I've tried all sorts of loading different UI schemes, reverting to default layouts, and I even copied the 3dsmax6 directory over from a computer that I just installed it on and displays the buttons fine. No go. And of course this would happen only on my boss' machine! Any of you ever seen this sort of thing? Ya'll tend to be a lot more responsive and helpful than tech support!






p.s. -- forget the attachment, the board is giving me a "not a valid image" message for both a GIF and JPEG image. This really is my day.

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not sure if this would work but try using the "restore to factory settings" button in customize>peferences menu> animation.


Also under customize - customize user interface, go to toolbars make sure that zoom mode, zoom region mode, etc etc. does not have the "hide" dialog box checkmarked. You can just hit reset - that may work.

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