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Dreamscape/Max/& Final Render

Devin Johnston

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I've not used them together yet, but I have read about that. I've also corresponded with some users that said it was not an issue.


I'd go look over the forum boards at Discreet for the Certified Plugins.


I hope to look into this more, too.

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I'm just trying to decide whether or not to buy it, I've purchased plugins before that wound up not working with Final Render and I want to avoid any problems. I've checked the Discreet forum and it looks like it works with FR so I'm happy about that, and from the two posts I've got here I'm feeling better about it. When you use it with Final Render are the render times slow, and do you have to convert the DS objects into geometry for it to work with FR?

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Ok, I downloaded the demo, it's a pretty complex program but I like what I've seen so far. I tried to animate the clouds but Max kept crashing, I'm hoping this is because it's a demo and not because there is a software problem. I'm going to get it but I've got a questing have any of you used Terragen? Obviousley Terragen is a much cheaper and less capable program, but it does make nice sky's. Is the quality the same or is Dreamscape better?

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