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Condo Progress Images Looking for a Critique


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Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to view my post.

I am in the final rounds of review on a large set of images for a client. (the largest set I've ever done for one client) and looking to pick the brilliant minds at cgarchitect.

I am constantly struggling in my images with color balance and color/mood overall as it pertains to a "set" of images.  I would view it as one of my biggest weaknesses and things I get stuck on for way to long weather its balancing the color in cg with the lighting or within post. 

I tend to find myself liking a few images and disliking others and struggling to figure out if it is inherently the view and materials within that view or something that I could have done differently. 

Maybe its just self doubt and I've been staring at them for 2 months and I need to adjust.


A quick description of the backstory for the images:  

- There are two condos that are close to identical and a hotel

- The client had close control over the views and composition.  So there isn't much wiggle room there, but there could be small tweaks. 

- Client also obviously has stipulated all materials and furniture and most of the accessories, art, lamps, books, number of books etc. but there is some wiggle room there possibly.

- Views out the window were provided by a photographer from the actual site.


Thanks so much











MG_East Kitchen.jpg


MG_East Living Room.jpg


MG_East Patio.jpg


MG_Hotel .jpg




MG_Rec Room.jpg






MG_Weest Living Room.jpg


MG_West Kitchen.jpg


Edited by jamisonlb
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1.  too much sun on left wall - robe and cosmetics are bleached out

2. night stand is too saturated 

3.  looks good

4. i find the dark stools depressing

5. this one is right on

6. outdoor furniture is fading away compared to interior

7. i think fore ground needs flowers / shrubs  -  car too white!

8. left wall seems dull compared to right  - wall picture seems tentative - frame and image - boots too big for jacket size

9. crazy big bright image too distracting

10. needs foreground element - table edge?  chair?

11. 2 items look arbitrary and isolated  -  hanging light would probably be off

12. right on

13.  liquor wall way too contrasty / saturated

Edited by heni30
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Thanks so much for the comments. 

I am on another project for a bit and the client has sort of paused these so it will be a week or so until I'm back on them but I wanted to respond in the meantime. 


1.  too much sun on left wall - robe and cosmetics are bleached out - agree

2. night stand is too saturated  - agree

3.  looks good - 

4. i find the dark stools depressing  -  I agree but this is what they have specified.  Hopefully they change there mind after seeing the image.

5. this one is right on

6. outdoor furniture is fading away compared to interior - Agreed I'll see what I can do to give them more presents. maybe removing the sofa behind will help un muddy them. 

7. i think fore ground needs flowers / shrubs  -  car too white! - I had some foreground but this vantage point is from the middle of an intersection and they didn't like that it wasn't accurate. I'll maybe try something with a vehicle in the foreground or maybe some crosswalk striping in the road. 

8. left wall seems dull compared to right  - wall picture seems tentative - frame and image - boots too big for jacket size - Now that you point out the boots to jackets its all I see.

9. crazy big bright image too distracting -  That image is actually a giant custom wall size tv that they wanted to show the cubs baseball game.  sigh.

10. needs foreground element - table edge?  chair? - agreed 

11. 2 items look arbitrary and isolated  -  hanging light would probably be off - agree unfortunately the hat and bags were specifically picked out and placed by the client in a round of comments.  I'll probably remove for my own portfolio. 

12. right on

13.  liquor wall way too contrasty / saturated -  agree I'll see what I can do. they sent me a ref image that looked just like that with a deep reflective coper backdrop.  I tried to pop lights in there but it definitely still seems to dark and contrasty.  Maybe the saturation as you mentioned is the key.  


Thanks again.


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