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Now before i lose anyone, i am as of now NOT looking for an Internship, what i am looking for more precisly is where i can find a page that links to a bunch of companies home pages... i know that AIA(of a givin city) has comapny names, but i am not sure if it will link to there home pages or not.


Right now all i really want to do is ask questions, and also get an idea of what is out there in specific cities. See whats on the homepages to see their products and all. I would like to get an internship at some time, but i am just beginning now into architecture programs in general.


I have a year and a half left of the degree i am in now, which has nothing to do with architecture at the moment. But i plan on taking some classes at my school on the side also, to get a little boost of sorts in learning the programs and theory behind it all. Its looking more and more like architecture is where i want to go.


So if someone could help me out.. offer advice or anything would be appreciated. thanks.

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I don't know of any other place where you could get information on architecture firms other than the AIA web site. Not all of them are going to have web sites, but you’re probably going to want to call each firm and talk to someone there anyway. The best way to find out if the offer internships is to ask them directly.

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You didn't say what you are studying now.


One idea I had was to suggest you try to get a job at an architectural firm--not as an architect or vis person, just any job. They hire receptionists, IT people, secretaries, typists, etc. A big firm uses people of a variety of skills and education levels.


Working in a firm like that would give you exposure to 'the life' and connections to people who could help you in getting started in architecture, if that's what you want to do.


Good luck!

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TO Earnest Burden: Right now i am studying a Multimedia and Game Design.. i have gotten my associates in multimedia and am currently in a Game Design Bachelor program. And thanks for the advice i could see how that would help out, i will need to give it some though and once things work themselves out i will probably persue that.


Yeah i knew the AIA sites where probably going to be where most would send me back to, i will go ahead and check them out tomorrow as right now i have only slept one hour out of the last 48 so i think i should get some sleep if i can this time.


The thing is... i am not as of now looking for an internship, i still am waiting on the program so i can start working in it to get something to show, i am looking harder and harder at this as i feel what i have done so far has not gotten me to where i would like to be.. i am not happy with what i have done so far and would like to see if this would be better for me.


Now as to just getting general questions about internships.. like what they would look for.. or what would help someone who is looking for a internship.... would a email or something to the web page contacts not suffice.. or would a call still be the best bet. I know there would be many who would probably not respond, but i would think at least some would.

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It never hurts to send out e-mails but there impersonal and I think a lot of people just dismiss them. I think calling is the best way to make personal contacts, and it lets you know who you are dealing with. As for the internship its self it really depends on what you are talking about. Architects have to do at least 3 years of internship before becoming registered, at least that’s the way it used to be. This process usually starts after you have gotten your degree since you would be unfamiliar with virtually everything you would be asked to do. For someone with no degree looking to get into the world of architecture I think your best bet is going to be going in as a CAD operator. There are plenty of people who work for architecture and engineering companies who are working through collage towards a degree in that field. If you have good CAD skills then this may be your ticket in, and if you’re working for a company that knows what your long range goals are in regard to architecture then they may be inclined to help you.


One other thing, if you don't like staying up for 48 hours or longer then don't go into architecture. I was once awake for about 96 hours finishing a project, not the way I would choose to spend a week but that's the life.

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One other thing, if you don't like staying up for 48 hours or longer then don't go into architecture. I was once awake for about 96 hours finishing a project, not the way I would choose to spend a week but that's the life.


.....(sigh) all-nighters; when night and day blend into one, caffeine loses potency and your project just seems to go on and on and on and on........ and of course you then have to top it all off by making a coherent presentation on all of it, after the 2-3 nght marathon, and try to defend ideas you came up with at some ungodly hours when you were not even sure that you were actually awake....


....good times, good times....

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Yeah i have no issues with staying up for long periods, i have an average days sleep of 3 hrs, and thats on a good day. But as to staying up for many long sessions, i have no issues with doing that and am more then happy to do it for a project. As for last night, i just had no reason to be awake, and since i had school in a few hours i decicded i should try to get some sleep since i actually like the class i have today :)


thanks for all the adivce.



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