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Is there a way to turn off vray?


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Hi, it takes really long time to launch 3dsmax, with an empty file, after I installed vray. (Before 20s, now 2 mins with vray installed)

I was wondering if there's a way to turn off the vray plugin if I'm recently just doing modelling work? Many thanks in advance!

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Indeed it is , you have to rename the PackageContents.xml file in the...\ApplicationPlugins\Vray3dsMaXXX folder ( xxx schould be your 3ds Max version ).  eg. rename it to PackageContents.xml_ or similar
the ApplicationPlugins folders location i think is depending on your  setup, see for a description here


But after you renamed the xml file, 3ds max should not load vray any longer at launch

Edited by Josef Wienerroither
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On 10/18/2023 at 12:36 PM, Josef Wienerroither said:

Indeed it is , you have to rename the PackageContents.xml file in the...\ApplicationPlugins\Vray3dsMaXXX folder ( xxx schould be your 3ds Max version ).  eg. rename it to PackageContents.xml_ or similar
the ApplicationPlugins folders location i think is depending on your  setup, see for a description here


But after you renamed the xml file, 3ds max should not load vray any longer at launch

Hi Josef, thank you so much for sharing the link! I just tried to move away vray-related files in both the location you mentioned and the other location where max was installed, it worked really well!

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