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Vue 5 & Autodesk VIZ 2005

Scott Baumberger

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Hi -


I have a random problem that I am trying to get to the bottom of. I have been using Vue for years and I love it, but I recently picked up VIZ 2005 for more high-end rendering capabilities.


Unfortunately, VIZ has given me no end of trouble since installing four months ago. I was able to get VIZ to behave for a while, but only after I completely wiped my system clean and re-installed it first. It worked fine, that is, until I re-installed Vue (ver. 5). Vue runs fine with or without VIZ, but VIZ seems only to work as long as Vue has never been installed. Uninstallation of Vue doesn't seem to be enough to make VIZ happy.


Are there any known conflicts between these programs? I'd really like to be able to use both programs, but for now, I'm stuck. Is it possible that this is the problem, or could it be something else? Just wanted to see if anyone else has run into this - thanks in advance for your help.



Scott Baumberger

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