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3ds Max 2024 Viewport Freezing


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I have had this problem in past version but only once and a while, but I am having it every hour or two now.  All of a sudden 3ds max viewports become unresponsive.  I can click on any buttons, I can open menus etc. But if I click the viewport it seems frozen.  can click and hit delete, I can adjust the camera field of view and move to top view etc but nothing is happening in the viewport.  Then if I save and re open Max anything I deleted is gone and the camera is moved and Im in top view.  So max is working but the viewport gets stuck.  Anyone had this happen.  Im having to restart my file every couple hours. 

It has happened in multiple other files completely unrelated to this project as well.  


Here is videos of it happening. One in the original file and one where i merged things into a new file.  



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This issue with 3ds Max viewports becoming unresponsive is a frustrating one, but there are several steps you can try to resolve it:

  1. Graphics Driver Update: Ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date. Outdated or corrupt drivers can cause viewport issues.

  2. Viewport Configuration: Try switching the viewport display driver. Go to Customize > Preferences > Viewports and change the driver to Direct3D or OpenGL. Sometimes changing this setting can resolve viewport rendering issues.

  3. Reset Viewport: You can reset the viewport settings to default by deleting the 3dsmax.ini file located in the user settings folder. This will reset any custom viewport settings that might be causing issues.

  4. Scene Complexity: Large scenes with high poly counts or many objects can slow down viewport performance. Try simplifying your scene or using proxy objects to see if that helps.

  5. System Resources: Check if your system is running low on RAM or CPU resources. Closing other applications and ensuring you have enough free system resources can help 3ds Max run more smoothly.

  6. Graphics Settings: Lowering the viewport display quality can sometimes help with performance issues. Go to Customize > Preferences > Viewports and adjust the display settings to see if a lower quality setting improves responsiveness.

  7. Software Updates: Ensure that you are running the latest version of 3ds Max. Updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements that can resolve issues like this.

  8. Disable Background Processes: Certain background processes or applications can interfere with 3ds Max. Try disabling any unnecessary background applications to see if that resolves the issue.

  9. Check for Corrupt Scene Elements: Sometimes specific elements in a scene can cause issues. Try merging the scene into a new file, or progressively delete elements to identify any corrupt objects.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it might be helpful to reach out to Autodesk support or check the Autodesk forums for additional advice. Other users experiencing the same issue might have found solutions specific to certain hardware or software configurations.

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