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transmission tower model needed....


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Hi all,

I am working on concept visualisation of a corporate office exterior and I need to show block model of transmission tower.

Any one can help me....:(

I searched in web for free model...could not find any...


Thanks in advance....

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What kind of transmission tower do you want....? Is it for a broadcast station or a power trasmission line. I suspect is the first one.



Good Luck




Here are a few links:













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What kind of transmission tower do you want....? Is it for a broadcast station or a power trasmission line. I suspect is the first one.



Good Luck



Thanks Elliot for links. This is a kind of transmission tower for mobile phones. I am building with simple elements.We need to show it in 3d model as we are making small walk though.

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The links I gave to you should have enough information. I don't know of anybody with a 3D model tower. I am sure if you look for a while you will find one. It may be easier just to do it rather than try locate one.


Good Luck


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That tower is very good.... Lately the tower I have seen i this are is basically a pole of about 120 feet. At the base they are about 48 inches in diameter and a the top they narrow to about 18 inches. They are self supporting structures with no guy wires.


When I was in college I worked as a broadcast engineer in charge of the night shift at the transmitter site. Our tower was 1,100 feet high. The antenna at the top of the tower was about another 98 feet. Inside the tower there was a 2 passenger open elevator. The tower was guyed. On a windy day when working on the antenna, I could feel the tower shifting sideways. I saw the tower being built about 35 years ago.


Every 6 months a group of maintenance workers go to the top and slide down on the guy wires to inspect them. It is a show to see these guys seating on piece of wood that has a pulley and slide down on the guy wires. They do not have a parachute.... He he he






We should take your model and put it on my SolidWORKS and do a finite element analysis to see up to what wind load it takes before it breaks down....


We should put an anti-collision beacon. That would be an interesting thing to render...

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Thanks Elliot


Sounds like an experience and a half , where i live on the Isle of Wight you can look across the solent towards Portsmouth Harbour where their in the later stages of building the Spinnaker Tower, a structure which stands 170 metres tall and has cost £21 million, it should have been finished for the millenium celebrations so its only 5 years behind schedule, but its looks pretty good and would be a nice project to model, if you google 'Spinnaker Tower' it should lead to a range of sites showing off the project,





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