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glowing edges with v-ray


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I'm using max 6 and rendering with v-ray free. This is my 1st time to use v-ray on an exterior so sorry if I've missed something simple. I am using 1 direct light with a multiplier of 1 and v-ray shadows. The part thats confusing me is the glow that is coming off of the edges. I have posted a sample that I've just started and the settings for the renderer. If anyone could help that would be great. Kinda pressed for a deadline.




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This is becouse of colour bleeding, I won't go into why it dose but its worth looking into becouse you'll need to understand it to get the most out of vray. but a quick way to fix this is to make a copy of your then apply a plain grey material, render an irradinace map and save it off. then go back to your other model with all the textures on it and render this one, but load the irradiance map you just rendered.

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