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New plugin - Final Touch


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Hi guys. That nice guy Paul Everett has done it again :)


Final Touch - a new plugin that allows real time post image manipulation.


Add the plugin to the render effects list in the render dialogue box, render your image, then the FT interface pops up allowing you to manipulate things like shadow density, radiosity strength, grain amount/size, contrast, saturation, colour curves, edge anhancement, bluriness etc etc.

These settings are all adjusted on the image on the screen in real time.


The solution will then be applied to the finished render. This solution can be saved and added to future renders or animations.


The demo is available from his site here - http://www.tools4d.com/finaltouch/final.htm with the full product being a very reasonable price too :)


a quick screenie of the interface -



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i was thinking of you Ernest when i saw this plugin this morning - it does have a grain slider.


It allows you to do normal mode gi, the post in this added grain (both grain size and amount) to get the stotch mode gi effect.

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It allows you to do normal mode gi, the post in this added grain (both grain size and amount) to get the stotch mode gi effect.


Grain size, I like that! Photoshop doesn't have an easy way to adjust grain size. That's one reason I usually render to no more than 3000 pixels--the grain get's too small.


I wasn't going to look at this plugin since it seemed to just mirror all the Photoshop tools I use, but maybe this is worth a try!

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I wasn't going to look at this plugin since it seemed to just mirror all the Photoshop tools I use, but maybe this is worth a try!


the other major difference is that this plug in is ever so cheap, AND fully animatable.


just testing it again now, it can give very 'toon' like renders too :)

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Strat Have you managed to do any test animations with grain?

Just wondering if it flickers.




not yet. i'm downloading the full version on monday morning, so i'll do a couple of tests and post the results up here.


but i been getting some wonderfull toon like renders using the edge enhance sliders with the other general colour changers.

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