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So...is it just me?


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I was going to comment on that very thing, but the rediculous mold count has been giving me a daily afternoon headache. I figured I'd try to ignore the Autodesk ad for at least one more day.


Any ideas how much longer it'll grace us with its pop-up? I mean, are they paying extra for added realestate with mouse overs?

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Hey Eric,


Usually people in my area move to your area in order to avoid that type thing. I'm about 100 miles east of you in Tyler. When my wife drags me to Dallas it's usually to the Frisco area...go figure. Next time we plan a trip (won't be too long) I'll give a shout, maybe we could hook up for a meal...and a brew 'r two.

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This was an experiment in a new ad serving technology. I am very interested to hear what everyone thinks of these ads. From a marketing standpoint they have been one of the most successful ads that we have ever had on the site.


They did originally want pop-up, pop-under ads which I would not accept. I thought this was a novel half way point and actually thought it was kind of a cool ad.


What does everyone else think?




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Honestly, it's annoying. We're busy people who try to stay focused. To have something unwanted drop down right in front of what I'm trying to read is irritating. I'm not sure what demographic responds favorably to such an approach, but I'm not in that group.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to give some advertisers philosophy on this issue guys,


Yes... I like the ad, I do think it's annoying. Also, I do think it should be because that's the purpose of this marketingtrick. From an advertisers point of view? it's a great ad and an equal level of effectivity. As Jeff stated

From a marketing standpoint they have been one of the most successful ads that we have ever had on the site
exactely that is what an ad should generate;...marketing, feedback > profit. Some minor 'annoyance-effect' is just one of the tools and this thread is the ultimate proof of concept for a successfull piece of advertising and yes...probably as all others who are captured by this ad, I surfed the exhibition of images and liked what I saw...that is core for Autodesk.


I agree, it's a damn annoying ad...(but it does his job very well)



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