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Need Help with displacement map


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Im trying to apply a displacement map in vray, but the thing is that my object is a solid geometry, and the displacement works fine but in the corners of the object it seems separated ....I have a box uvw map applied to my objects...is there a way to solve this and not get this "floating" edges?


Please Help!

(Image attached)

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I don't know vRay but with disp. maps you usually have to define the 'zero'. That would usually be black, with white being the max. displacement. In Cinema, you have a choice to 'center' the map (half goes in, half out). Check for that sort of thing.


Also--is the base color of your map PURE black? Anything non-black should displace, which is what I see in your image.


Sub-poly displacement is pretty amazing! Especially when it works.

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I had the same problem with my displacement...there are two options, the easiest being setting the "shift" value in the displacement modifier to a negative number, roughly the same as your displacement value...so if disp value=2, then set your shift to -2. This will basically shift the "0" level back.


The other option, which mostly works, is to apply a "meshsmooth" modifier to the mesh. Don't ask me what it does, I just learned it from a tutorial somewhere, and it seems to work OK.

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It is basically because Vray will displace along a normal, and hard edges means that you have two distinct normals going at different angles seperate polygones. It will only keep things together if the they are part of the same smoothing group. So what you can do is to do an Autosmooth at 100 degrees (anything over 90), and the they will see everything as a single smoothing group. This will keep all your edges tight as it displaces.


The first method that you mentioned will still give you a gap which is bad, since it may still be a problem when animating.

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I had the same problem with my displacement...there are two options, the easiest being setting the "shift" value in the displacement modifier to a negative number, roughly the same as your displacement value...so if disp value=2, then set your shift to -2. This will basically shift the "0" level back.


The other option, which mostly works, is to apply a "meshsmooth" modifier to the mesh. Don't ask me what it does, I just learned it from a tutorial somewhere, and it seems to work OK.


I never had much luck with the meshsmooth modifier because I always use imported geometry and it ends up doing really nasty things to it. But as Chad mentioned the "shift" value as the opposite number always does the trick for me.

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