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Vray error - "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: image prepass"


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Hi All,


Has anyone encountered this type of error before?

vray error.jpg


I've got over the problem by merging everything into a new scene but would be good to know where the problem came from.



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Follow the standard process for checking your scene. Start removing things from your scene in a logical progression.


#1, use an override material to remove any and all materials being rendered. A 128 gray vray material will suffice. Do you still get the error? If so, the error is *probably not in your materials. Move to step 2.


*I say probably because the override material only loads at render time. If you truly want to remove materials from the equation, save a copy as a scene and actually apply the vray gray material to everything.


#2, turn off all of your lights in the vray global override. Do you still get the error? Yes? No? If you still get the error, it's not in your lights.


#3, start turning off chunks of geometry. I usually just throw them onto their own layer so I can keep track of what I just turned off. If after a chunk of geometry gets turned off and the error goes away, the issue probably lies within those pieces.

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