I was thinking about posting our 3d awards entry called "Kubadilishana" when I remembered that I haven't posted nothing in cga about Motiva COLIMO software yet..
Motiva COLIMO is a tool that allows to change lights, colors and textures using prerendered images as base, not only colors and textures are affected but his influence over the whole scene including raytraced reflections,raytraced refractions and GI bleeding.
For better comprenhension about how this app works watch the videos:
- Motiva COLIMO Overview I:
- Motiva COLIMO Overview II:
And now is announced the 0.7.5 beta new feature SSR (Screen Space Relief)
- Motiva COLIMO new features:
More info and demo: www.motivacg.com/colimo_en.php
FAQ: http://www.motivacg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=21
And after that (long) presentation of the software I'd like to show you our 3DA entry called Kubadilishana.
It is a project based on that technology with multiscene support. Unfortunatly we had no time to record this video explaining the use of the software and the judges will open the app without any info about what is or how it works so I think that we have zero opportunities to be nominated (we've presented another entry too).