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Found 3 results

  1. Hello I am trying to create a kitchen sink. I have the general shape completed but I want to chamfer the front edges of the kitchen top to give it a round edge. But I have run into a problem with chamfer. The right side gets chamfered properly with 4 sections, as intended but the left side doesn't get chamfered properly. I have attached a jpeg image. As you can see, the left side of the chamfering doesn't get rounded out but instead is cut straight diagonally. Look at the far side (right side), you can see it is rounded. Furthermore, if you look closely, you will notice several vertices lined up along the chamfered area. Why do these "artifacts" appear? Before the chamfering, it was just a straight corner with a single vertex. I have examined all vertices, edges, polygons of this table, but there are no irregularities. I would greatly appreciate any input. Even hints or suspicions would be greatly helpful.
  2. I posted the question in the autodesk community, I don't know how to insert image in this forum so I just copy the link of my post in the autodesk community here below, appreciate the one more click:) http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/3ds-max-3ds-max-design-general/guys-how-to-make-vray-renderoutput-less-grainy/td-p/5783033 and here you can see in the attachment the materials that are black and have glossy reflection have tiny white noise on them and the glass cover of the design is the worse, as the highlight along the side is not continue and the edge has clear alias I would be greatly appreciated if you can help me boost up the image quality without setting adaptive max subdivide to 100+ and min shade to 400+, I tried, and it doesn't work unfortunately
  3. Hi, good day guys, Can any professionals please explain how to get light bounces in vray as shown in the image (red marked), especially in the corners of the white wall, just confused if it is some kind of material settings or Render settings that created such effects. i need to create those effects. hope to get a favourable reply...... thankyou.......
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