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Found 6 results

  1. Hi All, Just a quick post to let you all know about my online Tree/plant models. We have been online for approx a year now & have many satisfied customers. http://www.3dmk.com.au/ 3DMK - TREELINE It’s not just a high-quality model, it’s a complete production solution! Following years of research into creating 3D flora models, 3dmk is proud to introduce Treeline – the new benchmark for photo-realistic digital plants & trees. Our absolute attention to detail results in models that not only look far better than any other, but are truer to species form. Treeline flora models are based on accurate tree and plant taxonomy, which helps deliver the most authentic results.Drawing on over 10 years of professional Archviz experience, all Treeline models are designed to perform at the highest level & under the heaviest of production environments. Treeline is committed to 3D models of the highest quality, versatility and flexibility. When purchasing our GrowFX models, you will be able to change any part of the model to suit your specific needs. Models are parametrically generated and therefore have the ultimate flexibility of a system that you have complete control over. Most species have approx 4-5 unique models covering different ages, forms & colours so that you have a complete production solution. 3dmk – Treeline models are created using the award winning software GrowFX from Exlevel. As GrowFX models are para-metrically generated, you have easy access to change or modify all parts of the model. Everyone’s production needs are different and with GrowFX you can change the model to suit your specific needs, over & over again. We realize that not everyone has access to GrowFX so we also sell an FBX version for most of our models although they are a static mesh & not parametric. The 3dsMax mesh version is also a static mesh. A valid license for GrowFX is needed to use our Parametric GrowFX models Thanks for your time Kind regards Jamie
  2. If you like quality 3D trees (GrowFX and 3dsMax), these will blow your mind! This Australian company does the best stuff out there.... highly recommended ! www.3dmk.com.au Used with permission
  3. Hey guys, I am doing a fly through with wind blowing trees. Does anyone know the most efficient way to do this? I know Onyx stormfx and Exlevel GrowFx can do it? Which one is faster and has better quality? Would the animation work with other trees model from Evermotion? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey guys, I recently did a course for creating realistic plants (botanically correct) in SpeedTree( and soon GrowFX). I thought I'd share some of the final images with you. A little about the scene : Over 120 different species of plants was specially built just for this this scene from scratch, which include moss, grass, flowers, plants, ivies, vines and trees. I ended up using about 30 different species for the scene. I did use both Corona and V-ray to render out images. There are more than 400 billion polygons in the scene via instancing (Using forest pack pro) and over 100 million unique polys. I also did use over 400 textures for the scene ranging from 0.5 k to 4k images. Opacity is used for most leaves. All in all it took less than 8 hours to render the scene on an i7 4 core(8T) with 12GB of memory with over 60 render elements . (There are 2k and 4K renders) Here's a link to the course if anyone is interested : http://shlece.com/product/the-art-of-landscaping-with-speedtree/ I'd appreciate any feedback
  5. Studio/Institution: 3dmentor Genre: Landscaping Software: 3ds max 9, GrowFX, Vray Website: http://www.3dmentor.ru Description: Hello! I made first test of new GrowFX's feature - wind force I used 3ds max 9, GrowFX and VRay. Render is very fast - I used only Brute force for GI. Render time was about 1 min 40 sec per frame on my old Core Quad Q6600 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq1k3PyQ7wk So, this is first beta and Eduard Danilov (developer of GrowFX) have fixed some bugs in wind force I'm rendering some new tests now and I'll post later.
  6. Hello everyone, I intend to invest into an vegetation plug-in, as I have to do some exterior work. I am currently looking at three competeing products: Onyx, GrowFX and AutoGrass. I would be thankful if someone in the know would be kind enough to comment on following issues: 1. if I get Onyx or GrowFX is it sensible to get AutoGrass as well, or will this be doing a redundant job? 2. how does GrowFX currently compare to the Onyx Super Bundle? As I understand GrowFX is cheaper, appears to have a better support and allows to animate growth, while the Onyx package produces slightly better models. Is there any more to it? 3. how stable are both packages with the aforementioned versions of MAX? 4 (Bonus question) I am also thinking about getting a scatter solution (mainly for use with vray proxies). Which scatter would you recommend? Where do you see the main limitations of the scripts/plugins and which scatterer would you recommend (if I go for a commercial solution, I would be leaning towards Forest Pack as Vray and Multi Scatter seem to get more stick on the forums). Thank you for your input. Regards mkfrommainchester
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