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Found 4 results

  1. Hey all you viz people, I was wondering if anyone has any tried and true methods for organizing your material library images. Do you just use folders with a certain naming convention for the files? Or do you use a software to navigate and organize the images? (like Lightroom maybe?) Right now I have a number of main category folders and organize the materials via a numbered system within them. For example - carpet_001, carpet_002, carpet_002_bump, etc. Also do you generally keep your images as jpeg's and only convert to png when you need transparency? Right now my library is made up of free materials I've acquired through websites or searches. I realize that I need to invest in high res materials, I just don't have the finances to do so yet. Any other tips for library organization would be greatly appreciated. -- Luke Holdmann
  2. Hi all, In a scene I'm working on I have 5 jpegs plugged into their own CoronaLightMtl. I want all the CoronaLightMtl nodes to share the same parameters, emit light, intensity, visibility etc. But don't want to update it 5 times every time I tweak something. Is there a way to instance the materials so they all update, but can have different bitmaps plugged into them? Thanks in advance.
  3. Ok so basically If I were to want to put a picture which was originally a TARGA file on a website and I converted it to jpeg will it show up normal on the website or will converting it distort it?
  4. Hello, I am rendering an interior scene in Maya using global illumination and final gathering. My final images are being rendered at 1800px x 1200px, 300dpi. When I save my images and open them up in an external photo editing program (photoshop), all my images contain a ton of jpeg artifacts. Does anyone know how to get a clean render without these artifacts appearing in the final images? [ATTACH]33916[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33917[/ATTACH]
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