Hi all,
Wondering if anyone out there can solve this small issue!
The info:
i apply my basic shader material (no maps as of yet, just testing lighting first) to my model.
I click render - the materials seem to all have strong reflection on everything, even though i applied a basic 128,128,128 grey VRAY MTL..
My lighting, as it stands:
- Vray sun
-HDRI spherical map to a VRAY dome
-a few Vray planes to my windows pointing in
The basic interior lighting setup.
I have reset all materials but still, shows up like some black looking leather.
Any ideas what could be the problem?
oh and if i change all the shaders/materials - e.g to a yellow - i can see this happen in the standard viewport but hit render...same happens.
Any feedback would be amazing!
Thanks all in advance!