Hi all.
Im doing an interiour animation using vray sun and physical camera. I can't get rid of noise in my material,also in stills.
I can get rid of it but only by really increasing the subdivs extremely.
My settings are as follows:
-image sampler: adaptive dmc, mitchel-netravali min 6 max 8 subs
-bumped up my very basic vray material to 20 subs.
-using brute force as primary with 40 subs (would like to lower this)
-using light cace as secondary with 1000 subs, sample size 0.002, 4 passes.
-Indirect illu is on and refractive is ticked.
- dmc sampler has noise treshold set to 0.001 min samples 12 and global sudivs multiplier set to 1 (i dont want to increase this one due to render time)
-in the light settings i have increased the suns diffuse subs to a 1000 to no apparent effect.
I get an ok'ish result with these settings but the render time is above 2 hours on a farily decent machine. my frame size is 1024*576 pixels
There is no direct light on the objects with the noise (could this be an issue?)
My sun settings is down to 0,003 is this perhaps too low?
My camera has the f-number at 4, shutter at 30 and the iso is at 1600, the scene looks well lit.
All in all it seems strange to me, I have tried to swap the sun with a direct light and a normal camera but the result is the same.
Is the only way foward to increase the subs? has something in the scene gone corrupt? or do i have to tweek some more on the dials? if the latter any pointers would be sincearly appriciated