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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I'm using the latest updates for 3DS Max 2020, Vray, Floor Generator and Multimaterial. My material for the floor is using a single multimaterial map node (with 20 maps fed into it). The multimaterial map feeds straight into the diffuse and is then modified with color correction and output nodes etc. for bump and reflection glossiness. The diffuse is mapping properly but the bump and/or glossiness are mapping based on the whole object rather than the individual elements. So the diffuse is looking right for each floorboard but the glossiness and/or bump is mapping to the entire floor rather than the individual board. Has anyone else got this problem and discovered a work around? Cheers,
  2. Hello texturing gurus I can't figure out why my tree leaves don't show any variation in color, am I setting up the map incorrectly? Render: I've exaggerated the hue +/- randomness just to see any difference but it just shows the original texture. What I want to achieve is to use a single leaf texture and have Multi Texture map randomly change the hue of the leaves per element. The leaves are a single object with a material ID 01. I know Forest Pack has forest color map that can achieve this but I don't have the plugin. Please show me a way.
  3. Hi! I made a structure in rhino(with grasshopper), and would now like to map each object with multi texture for 3ds max. if you look at the screengrab there is three differnet objects; vertical shape, horisontal shape and diagonal left and diagonal right. Is there a why either in rhino or 3ds max where I can give all shapes in each group above a UVW box with indiviual center placement? I know if this was something created from blocks I could work with indiviual mapingcordinates, but since this is grasshopper, is there a manualy work around? thanks!
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