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Found 5 results

  1. I want to add wrinkles to some body parts of my character. For example when bending the elbow or making face expressions. The wrinkle map needs to be applied only at certain angle or position, but not all the time. How can i do that? I suppose the map needs to be activated by bone angles position. I'm using max 2020 and Vray Next. Something like this:
  2. Hi, I get this warning from Vray messages: warning: Texture map "Map #1776" (Normal Bump) is not compatible with Vray and may cause problems. I know I can use slate material editor to find that texture map, but it will take age for the slate material to load all the scene materials in the main view. Is there a script or faster way to load the particular texture into Material edtior?
  3. Hi, I'm using Vray for 3ds Max and I have a question about normal map rendering. Below are two rendered textures of the same low-poly model with the same normal map. The first one was rendered with Mental Ray, and the other one below with Vray. Mental Ray: Vray: The MR texture renders all the Normal map details uniformly all across the mesh regardless of lighting and shadows but on the Vray texture, the normal map renders only in shadowy areas while areas hit by direct light show are all washed out and render almost none of the normal map details. Is this normal ? Is it possible to make Vray render normal maps the same way Mental Ray does, uniformly and regardless of lighting ? How ?
  4. i have downloaded a normal map. how do i add a normal map to my vray material ? should i put it in bump slot or displacement ? is there anything im missing out on ? any tips guyz ?
  5. I recently saw a decent tutorial using the nvidia normal map plugin for photoshop. I'm not sure what advantages it has over bump maps or vray displace? I know displace is very resource hungry. Thoughts?
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