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Found 5 results

  1. I used to use 2012 and for a long time and then went to 2015 where you can't change the output gamma. My first workaround for this was to enter fileOutGamma=1.0 in the script windows. For some totally weird reason this just stopped working. So I've been saving out as EXR and that's been sufficient. But just now I tried that and still, the results are different (between VFB and output file) and it's because I never really grasped the ins and outs of this whole gamma thing. Should I have the sRGB button on or off? I don't know. Is anyone able to give me a run down of how I should be working? I basically just want what I see in the VFB to match what I save out. Thanks
  2. I used to get around the new gamma output thing using: fileOutGamma=1.0 but it doesn't work any more for some reason. I paste it into the MaxScript window and my output images are still dark. I've been away from using max for a while so I might be missing something obvious. Max 2015 and Vray 3.3
  3. So they took away the ability to change the output gamma in max 2015. Just using Vray which is set to 2.2, looks fine in the VFB but when I save it's really bright. What's the workflow I should be using?
  4. Hi! I am very new to 3D computer modelling and got the trial version of Vray for Rhino but I can't seem to get my head around why my renders are so poor. I've set the output size to 3840x2160 but even so, the renders finish really fast and to very low quality/size. Am I being stupid and missing something really obvious or is this just something that happens with the trial version? Thanks for anybody's help!
  5. Hello everyone. Question: What resolution do you set for the final render? End then what resolution do you set after post-production is done and you are sending the file to your client? Do you discuss final image size with the client before you render or they usually don't care about things like that? Thanks.
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