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Found 7 results

  1. hi guys, sorry to bother you, i'm new using 3ds max and i need to do a school homework for wednesday 29... i need to sculp something using only splines, i've already searched for tutorials on youtube but nothing, help please
  2. Hi all, I am new to 3ds Max. I have created a script to create spline in between two splines. It did run initially but all of a sudden it started giving me an error call needs function or class. Can some one please help me to resolve the error. ( local new_spline new_spline = splineShape () addNewSpline new_spline spl1 = selection[1] spl2 = selection[2] for s = 1 to (numsplines spl1) do ( for k = 1 to (numknots spl1 s) do ( current1 = getKnotPoint spl1 s k current2 = getKnotPoint spl2 s k local spl1SelInVec = vert spl1 s k current1 (getInVec spl1 s k) (getOutVec spl1 s k) local spl2SelInVec = vert spl2 s k current2 (getInVec spl2 s k) (getOutVec spl2 s k) local dir = normalize (spl2SelInVec.pos-spl1SelInVec.pos) local dist = (distance spl1SelInVec.pos spl2SelInVec.pos)/2.0 local midpos = spl1SelInVec.pos + dir * dist local dirInVec = normalize (spl2SelInVec.invec-spl1SelInVec.invec) local distInVec = (distance spl1SelInVec.invec spl2SelInVec.invec)/2.0 local midposInVec = spl1SelInVec.invec + dirInVec * distInVec local dirOutvec = normalize (spl2SelInVec.outvec-spl1SelInVec.outvec) local distOutvec = (distance spl1SelInVec.outvec spl2SelInVec.outvec)/2.0 local midposOutvec = spl1SelInVec.outvec + dirOutvec * distOutvec addKnot new_spline 1 #beziercorner #curve midpos midposInVec midposOutvec ) ) q = querybox "Close Spline?" title:"Inbetween Spline" if q then ( close new_spline 1 updateshape new_spline ) select new_spline )
  3. Hi Everyone, Take a look at our new Spline tools for 3ds Max 2014-2018. We have some big changes like, dotted lines, outline arrays, find and repair overlapping splines and many more. We have also added to ability to maxscript any of the C++ functions from your own maxscript. Watch the Youtube Scribe video thanks Si
  4. Spline Data is a really handy tool to get realtime information about the spline curves in your 3ds Max scene or selection while you are working. It shows plenty of helpful data on a simple rollout floater, wich you can place wherever you like on your screen. Instantly get informed about the number of shapes, curves, segments, vertices, etc. while you make changes in your splines. This tool is ideal for artists and professionals who usually work with a great amount of curves, such as architects, graphic designers, engineers, CG animators and motion graphers. Spline Data is a commercial script for 3dsMax 2012 and higher. Spline Data webpage: http://www.splinedynamics.com/spline-data/
  5. I'm working on some "high concept architecture" renderings that started with a series of irregular vector floors, currently in spline form. I want to create a solid surface that seamlessly blends the floors together on the outside. In other words, creating a continuous mesh such that each spline is a cross section of it. I tried converting all the splines to NURBS, attaching them, then using U Loft, which ended up being a tedious mess (although I'm a NURBS noob and potentially missing something). It seems that since they are a bunch of little curve segments rather than one continuous one, things are not matching up. I have tried the "Convex hull" maxscript, but it is extremely slow and prone to crashing on the more complex shapes. I can only do one "floor" at a time, and even then, it ignores crevices for a crude, polygonal look. A script called "Encapsulator" seems like it would do the trick, but just instacrashes Max. I'm open to other software at this point. Any guidance appreciated here!
  6. Clean, repair and organize thousands of splines in no time! DESCRIPTION Spline Cleaner is an advanced batch processing tool for cleaning, repairing and managing spline curves in Autodesk 3ds Max. Select, attach, detach and delete multiple shapes using smart filters: by size, by length, by proximity, by similarity, by wirecolor, by layer, etc. Optimize, normalize, weld vertices, reduce number of vertices, attach selected, explode splines/segments, remove duplicated curves, fix gaps, restore damaged segments, eliminate garbage… A complete set of spline cleaning tools! This tool is ideal for cleaning and repairing spline curves imported into 3dsMax from vector drawing software or CAD software, such as Adobe Illustrator or AutoCAD. Either for architectural plans, animation paths, terrain contour lines, logotypes, vector text or any spline-based 3d model or project. Spline Cleaner is a commercial script for 3dsMax 2012 and higher. Website: http://www.splinedynamics.com/spline-cleaner/
  7. The above image is a sample of my project. Am creating a road map using Rectangular Splines. There are approximately 2000 such rectangular spline. As seen in the above image Stage 1 is the initial Structure and stage 3 is the final Outcome The thing I am trying to achieve is I want to convert The spline in one and Remove the inner edges to Optimize the Game. Is there any way to do that. Doing manually is very tough and there are nearly 30 level each containing 2000 splines
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