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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all! Our team is pleased to present and recommend for use the plugin "V-TayMtl Converter 3", which, in addition to converting materials, lights, cameras, proxies and other scene components, can now also automatically adjust the workspace in ACEScg or sRGB for rendering in V-Ray! This corresponding function does the following: depending on the option selected, switches to ACEScg or sRGB in the [Render Setup> Settings> Color management> Rendering RGB primaries] finds all VRayBitmap and VRayColor maps in the current scene and determines the purpose of these maps - displayed in color (diffuse (albedo), reflect, refract, translucent, sss, selfillum, environment/light etc.) or with technical data (bump, glossiness, displacement, ior, anisotropy etc.) and separates the map instances (if any) in the conflicting slots. toggles the [RGB colorspace] and [Color space transfer function] maps according to the selected color space. In this case, the function determines whether a bitmap texture with special suffixes in the file name (_lin_srgb, _srgb, _acescg, _raw) is used or the file name is used without a suffix. optionally, you can enable gamma correction in [Render Setup> V-Ray> Color mapping] and rename duplicate map names that may be after splitting instances in conflicting slots. "V-RayMtl Converter 3" allows you to switch to the desired Color Space with one click! You can read more detailed information about this plugin here: "V-RayMtl Converter 3" Official site or here: ScriptSpot "V-RayMtl Converter 3" are officially tested by the Autodesk® team and also is available in the Autodesk® App Store. Good luck and great creative work! Best regards, MAXTools team.
  2. Hello, I always seem to find the questions that are tough to find with a quick search and tutorial. I am trying to export my color channel from vray frame buffer without srgb checked but when i export it and open the file in photoshop it's very washed out as if i checked srgb in the frame buffer. Is there something I should change in photoshop to fix this or am i exporting the image the wrong way? I am saving all of my channels through the frame buffer. Thank you for your time.
  3. Can someone help me to understand why the image generated from "Duplicate to MAX frame buffer" is so much darker than my rendered image. And when I save the rendered image as a .jpg it saves quite a bit darker like the MAX frame buffer image. I notice that when I switch the rendered image to display colors in srgb space it also looks like the darker version. Short question is- why are my saved images so much darker than the rendered image? Thank You
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