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Found 2 results

  1. Hey Everyone, I’m just looking for a little advice before I make a big decision. Basically, I’ve recently finished my architecture degree (part 1) and am struggling to find a job. So after a year of frustrating job searching I’ve decided to do a masters degree in architectural visualisation at Kent University, as I find modelling and rendering in 3Ds max the most enjoyable part of architecture. The problem is, the course is very expensive and I will have to pay up front, so I need to know if this would become a worthwhile venture. I’ve been searching around to see if “Architectural Visualiser” is a legitimate and rewarding job, and this website seems like the best place to ask this. I would gladly pay the expensive course fees, just as long as I can be sure that the industry for this is prosperous and I would be in demand. I really want a stable job at the end of this.... is architectural visualisation going to provide the goods, and be worth the costs? I should stress I already know somewhat about Rendering/ modelling with VRay, using HDRI’s and materials etc, with a year’s guidance, I think I could be very good at this. But is it going to lead to an uphill struggle? Is it a freelance only gig, or are there stable office type jobs for this? THX a lot, a speedy response would be appreciated as I have to start the course soon lol
  2. Hi all Currently based in London, I am a recent Computer Animation graduate who specialised in Arch Vis. Since My course finished in late May, I have been non-stop calling companies, applying for jobs and more often than not offering my services for free. Unfortunately very little has come of this. I am wondering if any experienced visualisers out there can offer me advice as to how best to break into industry, furthermore I would be extremely appreciative if some industry pros could look over my CV and Portfolio, which I can email to you (a youtube version is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DISYHa4hrOk). In addition, if anybody would like to offer me work experience of a job that would be ideal!
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