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smart phones - impressions -- blackberry/iphone... etc.


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I'm in the market for a new phone and am exited to hear any and all comments about the current pieces you all are carrying around...good-bad-ugly... doesn't matter. Just tell me if you think the cost is justified.


I like the Blackberry Curve and Storm and of course the Iphone but know that each has its drawbacks.


my impressions:

curve ~ verizon

-small but kinda chunky - dated but not repulsive

-intuitive interface (wheel is self explanatory)

-calendar is great

-no 3G network




storm ~ verizon

-sexyish touchscreen design

-not a totally intuitive interface

-touch buttons are sometimes difficult to hit

-small overall size

-nice screen for images/photos/movies (animations) etc.

-no 3G network




iphone ~ AT&T (have not tested personally but am this evening)

-freaking huge!... but sexy

-giant sexy screen

-microsoft exchange (sync email/calendar/etc.) + mobile me

-nice screen for images/photos/movies (H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second)





any input is appreciated!



Edited by tecton3d
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I have one of the first gen iPhones and I like it, even though I didn't think I would (my company forced one on me). In fact, I'm sort of an anti-apple sort of fellow. I used to have a "smart phone" which had a slide out qwerty keyboard which I quite liked and still miss sometimes. The no buttons took some getting used to but I'm comfortable with it now. Some of the free apps and games are good. I'm told that there is an app that I can use to remote my PC which would be amazing but I haven't tried that one out yet. One thing that doesn't come with the iphone is a todo app. There are some OK free ones or some more robust ones you can buy. There's my 2 cents on the iPhone.

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Love my Iphone...wouldn't trade it for any phone on the market right now, some are coming close to that, but not yet, I feel it was made for just me and the way I do things, for instance I'm heavily into media and internet, and not so much into the phone part, I have no need for MMS or shooting video, I mean if my phone could do that I might use it once in a while, but I don't miss that at all...so what I'm saying is that the Iphone is the best phone for me, but not everybody, thankfully there are lots of choices out there for people to find the right phone for them...on a side note Verizon is 3G and if I were thinking about a blackberry it would be the BOLD...

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Honestly I don't know what I did before my iPhone. Here's why I love it:


- Its sleek, clean and just works/feels great. As an artist thats important to me.

- Great web browser that (except for the lack of flash) displays sites as you'd expect to see them

- Instant access to my work email (exchange) and personal mail (scriptspot / gmail)

- VPN / WiFi support. Why does that matter? Because from anywhere (say at a restaurant at the beach) I can use VPN to login to my work network then launch safari to check on a backburner rendering. If there was an error I'll know about it, if I need to restart a server I can do it - remotely from my phone. I can't remember how many times I had to show up at work just to check the status of backburner jobs - now I don't do that and thats a huge deal for me.

- App store with great apps. Like VNC. Its definitely clunky but I *can* and have needed to on occasion, VNC into my work desktop for something - from my phone...

- Access to all my portfolio at all times. I have iTunes set to automatically sync photos / movies so when I do a new rendering, I don't have to do anything special, it just shows up on my phone. Then when I'm out I have access to everything I've done to show, whenever I need to.


I never was an Apple fan before. Actually quite the opposite I used to not like Apple at all. The iPhone has changed that perception for me. IMHO *for me personally*, I'd say its one of the most significant electronic devices I've ever purchased.


Highly recommended.

Edited by cgrant3d
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Honestly I don't know what I did before my iPhone. Here's why I love it:


- Its sleek, clean and just works/feels great. As an artist thats important to me.

- Great web browser that (except for the lack of flash) displays sites as you'd expect to see them

- Instant access to my work email (exchange) and personal mail (scriptspot / gmail)

- VPN / WiFi support. Why does that matter? Because from anywhere (say at a restaurant at the beach) I can use VPN to login to my work network then launch safari to check on a backburner rendering. If there was an error I'll know about it, if I need to restart a server I can do it - remotely from my phone. I can't remember how many times I had to show up at work just to check the status of backburner jobs - now I don't do that and thats a huge deal for me.

- App store with great apps. Like VNC. Its definitely clunky but I *can* and have needed to on occasion, VNC into my work desktop for something - from my phone...

- Access to all my portfolio at all times. I have iTunes set to automatically sync photos / movies so when I do a new rendering, I don't have to do anything special, it just shows up on my phone. Then when I'm out I have access to everything I've done to show, whenever I need to.


I never was an Apple fan before. Actually quite the opposite I used to not like Apple at all. The iPhone has changed that perception for me. IMHO *for me personally*, I'd say its one of the most significant electronic devices I've ever purchased.


Highly recommended.

...awesome testimony!



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I moved from an an iPAQ phone to an iPhone and while the iPhone works well on some things, it is most certainly not an enterprise ready device. Productivity features that have been on most other smart phones for years have been left out on the iPhone. I am now on my 3rd iPhone due to email and the phone locking up and it can't do simple things like copy and paste, There is no call history, It's a pain in the ass to get to contacts quickly...the list goes on. Personally I'd give it a 9 out of 10 if you want a phone with some shiney features and are using it for personal use. If you are in business and need a truely enterprise device I give it a 5 out of 10.

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Under 'Recents,' there is also a 'All' or 'Missed' missed toggle buttons at the top of the screen. Next to Clear. I also think that contacts are fairly easy to get to.


I will agree that I don't think it is a good phone for corporate use. Have they actually worked out the push issues from Outlook yet?


Edit: I will also add that the 5g iPod touch wheel has better iPod navigation IMO. Smoother and easier. I feel the iPhone is a little clunky in its iPod navigation compared to it.

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I will agree that I don't think it is a good phone for corporate use. Have they actually worked out the push issues from Outlook yet?


sort of but not totally..... inbox no problem, subfolders in your mailbox, still jacked up. What's really not working is iCAl interfacing with your outlook calendar, if I accept a meeting invite on my phone it doesn't push it back to the company outlook calendar and in turn the sender. You basically use incoming invites on your phone as a notification then when you get back to work officially accept meeting invites.


when people ask me how I like my iphone I tell them it's a great little handheld computer it's a crappy phone. I hang up on people a couple times a week. I text and email off of it mostly so it doesn't bother me that much.


I've heard nothing but total dislike from the people who rushed out and bought the blackberry storm. The two people who I know who've tried it said it's cool, has neat functions but the navigation isn't as smooth as an iPhone so it feels clunky to them.


The one thing the iPhone really has going for it now is a user base. There's more users on it which draws more developers which creates more applications. One of the drawbacks to some of the other new touchscreen phone's is there isn't enough extra applications created yet....which turns off users, which turns of developers.... and thus you have a small cycle. They'll grow in time but it will take just that....time.

Edited by BrianKitts
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But 9,000 of them are "flashlights".


(Seriously, I should have thought of this, make a program that does literally nothing - shows a white screen - label it a "flashlight" and charge $1.99.)


....yes, but one displays a red ruby, and only costs $999.99.



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since I'm not straight up hardcore corporate, though somewhat of a power user, i ended up going with the IPhone... though i have yet to set it up to push my emails and can't provide a full review or impressions yet. I am really impressed with how intuitive everything seems to the point that i feel like i'm still missing something...


Does anyone know if there is a way to send txt messages via email?

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