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hi I am creating the glass material with the stripes on it


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Hello i am very new to all this :) so i need some help please


I am trying to create the glass material with the metal stripes on it, I cant get the stripes metal color and the glass transparent...


Do i have to create 2 layers one for glass and another somehow with the stripes and transparent background but i dont know how to do this? o there is another way?

I hope somebody will read my post and will help me :)

thank you so much



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Hi Miguel,


thank you for your reply

I am still struggling with this material.... I cant make it :(

serching on the google for it but i guess i dont know how to look exactly for it


By the way i saw your web site! I like so much your 3d renders. My compliments



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keep it simple, use 2 tiles maps....doing exactly what you're asking in a project right now, attached is the map setup and a crop from the render to show the result.


1 in the diffuse slot, with tile set to black and grout is the color of your stripes.


2 in the refractions slot where tile is your glass color, and the stripe is pure black so that it's not refracted.

Edited by BrianKitts
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