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noise in vray material?


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Hi all.

Im doing an interiour animation using vray sun and physical camera. I can't get rid of noise in my material,also in stills.

I can get rid of it but only by really increasing the subdivs extremely.

My settings are as follows:

-image sampler: adaptive dmc, mitchel-netravali min 6 max 8 subs

-bumped up my very basic vray material to 20 subs.

-using brute force as primary with 40 subs (would like to lower this)

-using light cace as secondary with 1000 subs, sample size 0.002, 4 passes.

-Indirect illu is on and refractive is ticked.

- dmc sampler has noise treshold set to 0.001 min samples 12 and global sudivs multiplier set to 1 (i dont want to increase this one due to render time)

-in the light settings i have increased the suns diffuse subs to a 1000 to no apparent effect.

I get an ok'ish result with these settings but the render time is above 2 hours on a farily decent machine. my frame size is 1024*576 pixels


There is no direct light on the objects with the noise (could this be an issue?)

My sun settings is down to 0,003 is this perhaps too low?

My camera has the f-number at 4, shutter at 30 and the iso is at 1600, the scene looks well lit.


All in all it seems strange to me, I have tried to swap the sun with a direct light and a normal camera but the result is the same.

Is the only way foward to increase the subs? has something in the scene gone corrupt? or do i have to tweek some more on the dials? if the latter any pointers would be sincearly appriciated


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It depends on the type of noise you are seeing, as a guess from the settings, i'm going to say its either: Glossy noise: In which case you turn up the reflection/refraction subdivs of the respective materials, or its 'Contrast noise' where the scene has trouble getting a smooth color value because of the differences in light values (IE: some rays hit the sun, some hit a black shadow inside..) in which case turning up the irradiance map subdivs and interpolation samples can help.


theres not many scenes you should need 0.001 with 6/8 and still run into problems! at that point you're pretty much brute forcing it!

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Why the low sun settings? Seems you would be better off using higher sun settings and lower ISO on the camera. I'd start with the sun back at 1 and use ISO 100, Shutter 100, F-Stop 11 as a start. (Asuming this is a daylight sceen and you have a vray sky and sun)


You shouldn't need to crank up the sub div on the materials so high. I might run them up to 24 on some reflective objects - but most are set at 8. Try a 3-10 setting on the DMC. IR/LC with medium and 1000-1500 on LC. I''ll adjust the DMC noise down to 0.005 or 0.002.

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hey all and thanks so much for the replies. I have uploaded a jpg with the area of trouble. Backstory is its an animation with pixels turning 3d and moving around and comming together into very basic (low-rez) shapes in a "realistic" environment. (Just if you were wondering what you were looking at:)) going over my settings i realise now that i had my dmc at 1 and 4. have just testet with 3 and 10 and it is much better...but not gone. I read somewhere on the chaosgroup site that the dmc settings should be kept close together when doing animation to avoid the sampler from guessing to much and thus make it differ to much from frame to frame, resulting in flicker i guess, does anyone have an oppinion on this matter?

My material is a standard vray material with a very slight reflect: 15 in rgb. My subs in reflect is at 20, refract is the standard 8, i have tried bumping reflect subs up to 20 as well but with no effect. I will go back and try with higher sun settings again. Could it be that the low sun settings somehow results in the material not getting enough info and therefore is noisy? I switched to brute force to avoid flicker in the animation (which was one of my earlier problems)

any comments with the new info would be highly appreciated, are there any other examples i should post that will help you define the problem?

again thanks alot for the help

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I have tried with the sun settings higher as you mentioned, alas it had no apparent effect. I remember i lowered sun settings because i have an object with a vraylight mat. in the scene. If the sun is at 1 in intesity i had to boost the light mat. up to 50 or 60 to get it not to be black and to emit light. It is really strange cuz i have tried everything i can think of. Thought maby the sun had gotten corrupt and build it again. changed the material for the reflector. It does work to bump up the sampler subs, but now im at 3 and 15!!? and again does anyone think that the minimum and max are so far apart will have an influence on jitter or disturbance in the animation? Im doing a test right now on a different machine to check that out.... pheww man oh man :confused:

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