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refl. glossiness problem

Jinmu Staddon

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I'm trying to render stainless steel with a satin finish. In the past, I've just lowered the highlight/refl. glossiness value to get non-glossy materials. But for some reason, changing this value is having no effect whatsoever. Is there something I'm missing? or is this just a glitch (how can I fix it?)? Thanks

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I always solve these problems by starting a new vraymaterial from scratch. However, I think that the problem you are having is that "fresnel reflections" is checked... try un-checking that box and see if that helps. I always find it helpful to show your material in the editor with with the checkered background (3rd button down on right side of material preview slots). This can help you see with your eyes what is going on with your reflective materials a lot better. Again if the fresnel thing doesn't work just start a new material and begin rebuilding it.

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fresnel isn't making a difference, and this is happening with all of the materials in the scene. Somehow everything is super glossy... Maybe the whole file is bad? or is there a global switch or something that would cause this to happen? I suppose I should do a test in a brand new file.

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It looks like you have your highlight glossiness locked on a level of .5. Unlock it using the button on the right, set it to 1.0 and then it should work. The highlight glossiness affects the specular glossiness, not the reflective glossiness.


If this doesn't work.... you could start a new file and create a box with the material that you want, save it, then go back to your original file and merge the box from the new file with the old one and the material should work... You could then use the eyedropper to load its material in the material editor and tweak the settings for your other materials. I also find it strange that your refraction glossiness is .67 and not a value of 1 because you have it set to black (0) refractiveness, anyway.

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well, if the highlight glossiness is locked at .5, it should still be blurred, right? I was just playing with the refraction settings to see if those were working or not, but turned the refraction color back to black just to ask for help on here. Anyway, I'll try what you suggested with making a new file tonight, and post whether or not it works. Thanks.

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worst thing that happened to me once was that I had the Fresnel turned on, for a material that had reflection set to absolute black (no reflection).


the render time was brutal.... :( until I unchecked "fresnel"... and the render time was 20 times faster.

how a simple error can cause havoc :(

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