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Precision Object Scaling/Deformation?


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I have the following (i think basic) problem.

How do I fit a library door/window or mold or frame (that have certain dimensions let's say 90x210cm) exactly to the hole in the wall that has 205x85cm? Until now I only managed to scale it by eyeball but this lead to all kind of artifacts an other problems such as the deformation of the profiles. I'm convinced that there is a solution to perfectly adapt the object (either by scaling or pulling vertices) to fit the required dimensions and that's why I'm asking if anyone knows more about that.


Thanks a lot!

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Knowing which app you are using would help greatly. Most apps have a scale tool with snaps that will allow you to scale an object (the window) in reference to another object (the hole).


Beyond that I would ask why you care if its that precise. NOBODY will see it in a rendering much less an animation. As a basic strategy, only model to the detail that will be visible.

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i need Precision modeling only when i am doing modeling for sombody else or

my satisfactory issue otherwise really.. you dont need this typo Precision...:)


try group the door and give it a Edit mesh or Edit poly modifier select the vertices or poly and snap it to where ever you like....good luck!!

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