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Hi guys.


I bought a monster pc.


Intel i7 x990 6-core 3.47ghz(3.76 overcloacked)

Nvidia quadro 6000

ssd HD

24gb of ram 1600hz.


Software I'm using-

3ds max 2011 64-bit

Windows 7 pro 64-bit

V-ray 1.5 sp5 64-bit


I'm very exited about the new pc.

when I started rendering a scene In v-ray ,I opened the task manager to check the CPU and ram memory usage I saw that all 6 cores were maxes at 100%, BUT v-ray was using only 3.9 gb of ram.

Now I know that vray and 3ds max use as much memory as they need. And I know that in scenes with lots of trees and proxies and displacement I would get a higher usage of ram memory.


The question is : in scenes with little to no proxies and displacement, can I use my extra ram memory ( I have a LOT extra ram going to waste) to speed up rendering.


And if yes how?

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Your scene will use as much memory as it needs. If your ram is not maxing out, there is no reason to try and give it more info as it is not becoming a bottleneck. Your processors are at maximum, thats all you need to know, Vray is working as fast as it can.

The reason alot of ram is a good idea is to ensure your scene doesnt run out of ram and either crash or have to start caching to HD (very slow).

Just because you have it, doesnt mean you ave to use it. Kind of like a lens flare.

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There are other settings on the system tab in vray that will have a significant affect on system memory use and potentially significantly speed up rendering.


Under system change the raycaster params for Max. tree depth (default 80) and Face/level coef (default 1.0). try changing it to 100 & 0.5.


To quote the vray docs...


Max tree depth - the maximum depth of the tree. Larger values will cause VRay to take more memory, but the rendering will be faster - up to some critical point. Values beyond that critical point (which is different for every scene) will start to slow things down. Smaller values for this parameter will cause the BSP tree to take less memory, but rendering will be slower.


Face/level coef - controls the maximum amount of triangles in a leaf node. If this value is lower, rendering will be faster, but the BSP tree will take more memory - up to some critical point (which is different for every scene). Values below that critical point will make the rendering slower.

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Thanks tsmithf but I experimented with max tree depth and face/level coef .

Actually that's the first thing I tried when I got the new pc. But unfortunately not only didn't I see a decreas in render time ,the render time went up ,AND there was no change in memory usage.( still 4.10 gb used).

I used 100 for max tree depth and 0.5 for face/level coef.

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