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Max 2011 snaps

Stephen Thomas

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I've been having a play around with 3ds max 2011, what's the deal with the change to the snaps/axis constraints? In 2010 I could have vertex snap on, select an object's vertex and move it in either x,y or z axis easily. Now some annoying little yellow circle appears and the snap seems to take over and disables my axis constraints.


Anyone else experienced this? Please help me out before I snap! ;)

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I had that same problem when I first started using MAX2011. What happens is in MAX2010, when you´re gonna do a snap and you had the USE CENTER OBJECT AXIS or something like that checked, you moved the object and then pressed S and the snap would do the center of the object. In MAX2011, this is done by default. So, when you´re gonna use snaps just press S before you start moving the object and it will automatically go to the center of the axis. Bottom line, MAX2010 press S after move; MAX2011 press S before move. Hope it helps. Good luck.

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If it is the same thing that was annoying me.


Go to customise, under gizmos, the bottom box - check projection rather than intersection.


That fixed my issue and meant i could move with the gizmos


hope this helps

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