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Sketchup to Max Texture Mapping


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Hi guys.


I'm sort of new to modeling in 3ds Max. I have always used sketchup for everything, so i need your help with a texture issue.


I did all the modeling in SU, rotating and positioning the textures in the correct way, but when importing to 3ds problems appear.


What i need is someone to tell me if there is a way of fixing this. I guess you do it using the UVW mapping modifier, but I don't exactly know how.





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You will have to select object by object and apply UVW modifier. Then I believe in your case, there is an option under UVW called world mapping coordinates. Uncheck that. then adjust some values and see. From the drop down menu you can select the basic object shape UVW. I'm really sorry I can't tell you these words correctly cause right now my 3ds max is busy with rendering.

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Thank you Dhammika.


I've been trying to do that, but don't know if i'm doing it in the right way.


Open editable mesh > select poly > apply uvw map. That for every polygon?

Do i need to insert another modifier for the next selection, like Material or something?


I ask you because i don't have a clue of why the gizmo is appearing so far away from the center of the selection. And when i apply another uv map modifier and open the gizmo i can't rotate it hahaha. Sorry but i'm a begginer


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I think you don’t have to select polygons separately. Just select the whole object eg: Road. Select the road object then apply UVW modifier. Then switch off world map option. Then press Fit. It will fit the gizmo for your object area. Then add some numbers to the first 2 boxes and see how it changes.

Try to use plane or Box shape for road or flat or boxed shaped objects..

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Now only thing you have to do is Unwrap UVW. Which is not easy to explain here. But you can find some good help in 3ds max help or some other tutorials on net. but this is bit complicated. The help I can do is very limited right now cause of my render. I tried so many times taking sketch up models to 3ds. but those imported correctly with maps to 3ds. normally my process is doing base in sketch up, advance things in 3ds and rendering with mental ray.

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I've done this correctly in two different ways:

1. I create the curb by lofting a section directly in Max and check on Apply Mapping in the loft parameters. This way mapping runs along the path and you just adjust the bitmap tiling in Mat Editor to fit the real size.


2. I split the curb by sections. Straight and curved sections become different objects. Then with the UVW Map modifier (applied separately for each object) I can fit and tweak the bmp to the desired size. Consider, though that curved sections require to set the UVW Map modifier to spherical and the center of the gizmo must be at the geometrical center of the curb's curve. Straight sections work better with the Cylindrical type, provided the cylindrical gizmo runs along the the curb and it's aligned to it.


Option 1 is still better for me. Now, I see the rightmost curb and it looks ok. What is the difference between them?

Edited by salvador
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Thank both for your answers! Ill try both solutions.


Salvador, I have no idea why the right curb imported flawlessly, and the one on the left didn't.


I was thinking about your first solution, but since i'm new to modeling in 3ds didn't know if that was too difficult to do. I'll give it a try.


Dhammika, i'll try your solution too.


Thanks a lot guys. Much appreciated.

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Which version of 3ds max are you using ?? In 3ds max 2012 & later you don't have to import 3ds format.You can import sketch up(.skp) file directly which might preserve your UVs.Try that yourself otherwise can you give me that curb stone geometry with texture in sketchup file to test.I am pretty sure, it will solve your issue.

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It looks like in Sketchup that your texture map curved with the curb curving. In 3DS Max, I don't believe the UVW mapping options will allow that. The only way I know how to get the "bend" to work with the model is for you to remodel that curb and apply a loft modifier.


When you loft an object along a curve you can then apply mapping to that object and then you can adjust it to fit along the curve. You can change the "length" and "width" repeat options.


This still does not fix the problem why the mapping is not coming into 3DS Max correctly, but this does solve the problem for you. Just remodel that section of it apply this procedure.



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Wow! That would be really nice, Abhay. Unfortunately I'm using Max 2011, but it's great to know, since a lot of people make their models in sketchup.


I guess i'll have to do what Adam is suggesting, though.


Thanks for the info!

Edited by dpizarrom
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Yes, David.

You can download 3ds max demo version if the problem persists.

Adam is right but just for you to have more options you can do the same thing with SWEEP modifier as well(just remember to check generate mapping co-ordinates in sweep parameters incase you use it).Basically with both of these option you will be able to bend your texture with your geometry.



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If you have time, I'd look more into why this problems exists at all. Importing SU into Max has never presented me with a UV issue. It always imports exactly as I textured it in SU. My first guess would be perhaps you have flipped faces in SU? Are you sure your normals are facing the correct way in SU?



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That can be an issue. and next thing is I have used sketchup with 3ds max design 2012 & 2013 which can directly import skp files.

What you can try is, flip the normals with modifier or convert your object to an edit poly > select all faces > Filp. As bordie says normally when you apply mat in sketch up, it comes to 3ds also in same way..

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It's a common problem since normals don't matter in SU. Unless you're paying attention to it, it's bound to happen. On the SU side of things you can go to Monochrome mode and by default the front faces are white and back of faces are purpleish. Right click a face and choose Reverse Faces.



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