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Strange Artifacts all over one area of render?


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Good Morning everyone!


Im having a strange problem with a render... I'm getting very strange black an white "artifacts" showing up in my render. The strangest thing is that they are only in one area, and if i re render the same area over and over them move, slightly, but they do move...


Iv been using V-ray for about 6 years, and this is the first time iv ever seen anything like this... Has anyone had a similar experience? Any one have a fix for this?


Any help will be greatly appreciated...





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Ok so after plenty of research and changing a whole bunch of settings, I finally figured out what the problem was...


If anyone has a similar problem to this the fix for me was in the material editor, If you have Glossy reflection on a material, select the material the material in the material editor, go to the options roll out, and where it says "Treat glossy rays as GI" the default setting is "Only for GI Rays", Change this in the drop down to "always" and the problem should be solved...

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