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V-Ray Glass Rendering Problem

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Hi all,


I've been trying to render a champagne glass in my scene but the render comes out very strange.


the result:



I have checked the normals on the model, turned on reflections/refractions in its Render Stats, checked the glass material (Ray Depth, Affect Shadows) but none of it seems to work.


Can any one suggest a solution?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you please state what software you are using V-Ray with? Is it 3ds Max, Sketchup etc etc?


To me it doesn't look like i'm seeing throughout the glass at all so check your refraction colour is white. I think you should also increase your maximum depth for refraction and reflection from the defaults. I'd suggest tripling them will be enough (from the default values) as again, you've not specified any values that you've used.


Put some lights in the scene too.....

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