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Rendering VRAY Animation fly-through issues

Guest syp

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Hey all :).


I have an exterior Scene in 3DS max, and i'm using Vray 2.4

I'm trying to render a camera fly-through. no moving objects.



LC (lightcache)

IR (irridiance map)


General Settings:

[v] Frame Buffer

[v] Vray Cam

[v] Exposure

[v] Net Render (LC / IR on separate computers)


Main issue is - in still renders i get great results while in sequence jpg render i get terrible results...


I tried rendering the animation in 2 ways, both of them came out terribly wrong.


Way 1: (still render time = 2.5min)

I tried rendering 3 passes.. (LC / IR / JPG).

So first i rendered GI with LC in primary and secondary.. saving it to a file

Then rendering IR using the LC file i have

then rendering JPG stills sequence from both IR & LC files.

final results looks terrible...completely dark


Came out totally dark (while in stills mode i got great results with framebuffer)


Way 2: (still render time = 11.5min)

I tried rendering final frames with LC in primary and secondary filtering samples by size.

Again, in a still render i had great results though slow render time (11min)

and yet again when i sent of sequence i got terrible burned shots..



Does anyone has an idea of what the heck is going on?

Should i kill Frame buffer or Exposure (on vray cam?)


Does anyone have a good way of rendering sequence for a flythrough?





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A - Stop talking about the Frame Buffer. It has nothing to do with how final JPegs are being saved. Compare saved images to saved images when checking stills against animation frames.


B- Way 1 is a better method for animations of this type and as along as you are rendering it properly, should be the way to go. The literature all suggests to render LC and IR separately, but you can actually just run the IR with LC set to Fly-through and it will store with IR.


>Primary should be IR set to Multiframe incremental, saved to a file, Auto Saved to that same file for safety, and don't delete ticked.

>Secondary should be set to LC, Flythrough Mode and don't worry about saving it.

>Tick don't render Final Image in Vray Settings

>Render your animation with Every Nth Frame set to 6 on fast cameras and 12 Slow ones. (This assumes a 24fps)


>When complete, set every Nth back to 1 and untick Don't Render Final Image.

>Set Primary to IR with From File and using your pre-calculated IR.

>Secondary should be Off/None.




If the saved files are coming out different animation vs stills then some other factor is in the way. You should always render Pre-Calcs on a single machine so they are consistent and frame-by-frame it should be additive (multi-frame incremental) so that each frame doesn't replace the previous one. beyond this, look at your gamma settings and/or your network render settings.

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Thanks for the great answer!


Couple of questions:


1. What do you mean always render pre-calcs... is that a tick option? / where is that settting

2. what should i look into in regards of network render? what could mess with the render?


thanks :)


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By "Pre-Calcs" I just mean Pre-Calculated IR and LC. that is the name for the process you go through when you render those passes prior to the final image. Not a tick box, just lingo.


As far as network settings go... It's hard to say. With Deadline there is a tick box for "restart renderer between frames" that should be un-ticked and machine limit set to 1. Backburner.... I don't remember. it has been years since I used it. I think you just want to make sure that it renders on a single machine though.

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Ok, thanks :).


I am rendering on a single machine, i'm using backburner so i would be able to Que my passes..


Gonna give it a try now and see what i get :).

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Super weird.


When i send a test render - even a Still render

And save it to a location (save via F10) and send it to render i get this weird render (see still_02.jpg)

But when i manually save it (via save button in FrameBuffer) i get a normal looking render (still_03.jpg)






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  • 3 months later...



I have same problem now with vray 2.4, I also render using vray 2.4 and it's rendered about 6mins. in my new computer (dual xeon machine)

and I try to render it to my old computer (single Xeon) with vray 1.5 it's rendered only in 2 minutes.


Where is that depth field effect slot exactly located in vray.?




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