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Has anyone read "V-Ray My Way" by Lee Wylde? - Can you recommend it?


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The full title is:


V-Ray My Way: A Practical Designer's Guide to Creating Realistic Imagery Using V-Ray & 3ds Max



I'm considering purchasing this book, it looks promising. However, as it's quite new there are no reviews on Amazon yet! It may be reasonably priced... but it is certainly not cheap. I would buy it if it's really good, but probably not otherwise.


Amazon's "Look Inside" option is not available for the book, so if you have read any of "V-Ray My Way", your insight would be helpful :)

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A better book is Crafting 3D Photorealism by Jamie Cardoso.


A lot of Lee Wylde's posts just seem to be "Do it this way" and not as much in depth of why you are setting things that way. He'll touch on some of the why, but never really too deep. He does have some good techniques on his website, but I'm not sure about the book. I'd wait on it if you are unsure.

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I'm with Scott and George on this.


The tutorials indicated on his site are not particularly informative and the quality or originality of the work shown doesn't make me want to dash out and buy the book!


But apparently he's the 20th most influential person in the world or something! ;)

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' can download the max scenes that go with the book, via the focal press webpage for the book. I checked them out, and wasn't impressed. Oh well, I'll just have to read Alex R's book again ;) (awesome). I still like printed stuff you see.



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A better book is Crafting 3D Photorealism by Jamie Cardoso.


Yeah, I have that already actually. But, I think I prefer more reference style books than tutorial type books...' I just don't have the patience to work through the examples.





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influential in his own lunchbox


There are a lot more than 20 people here who are far more influential to the wider global CG society with their patient (generally) and knowledgeable contributions helping the rest of us on a daily basis.


And they're not trying to flog a book off the back of it either.

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I attribute it more to naive clueless-ness than to hubris; like he really believes his little retail shops are "cool".


He doesn't seem malicious; just delusional.


Should we give the guy a break or just keep it coming?

Edited by heni30
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Wow I feel sorry for Wylde now! What have I started?! Btw yeah it is great we can discuss our subject with online. But, I'm sure you all appreaciate that their are occasionally great printed resources out there, so as and when you do stumble across something that may be of interest it's helpful to mention it.



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He doesn't seem malicious; just delusional.


Should we give the guy a break or just keep it coming?


Yeah, I think this is the case usually :- ) My inner choleric myself want to probably tell them to get real but...at same time, they mostly just mean well, try their best so, it's better to just move on.


No one is forced to buy the book, and it honestly might help few, but there are many other, better resources, so, that should be the take-away.

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