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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, I was wondering what Books and Tutorials you's would recommend for a person looking to develop skills in Architectural Visualisation in 3ds Max with Vray. Proficient in Sketchup but being a graduate urban designer currently looking for a job i am interested in improving my skillset. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, M
  2. From where do you get your 3d books models? And second, propably more important question - from where do you get full covers (ie - front, side, back in one image)?
  3. The full title is: V-Ray My Way: A Practical Designer's Guide to Creating Realistic Imagery Using V-Ray & 3ds Max I'm considering purchasing this book, it looks promising. However, as it's quite new there are no reviews on Amazon yet! It may be reasonably priced... but it is certainly not cheap. I would buy it if it's really good, but probably not otherwise. Amazon's "Look Inside" option is not available for the book, so if you have read any of "V-Ray My Way", your insight would be helpful
  4. I am sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I couldn't find a Texture thread. I am working on a cafe that has a massive selection of books. Books have always been a pain as I don't have a ton of book covers in decent quality. I've used google images and pull a bunch off of there, but if anyone has made a collection they don't mind sharing or a website they find many on, I'd really appreciate it! I plan on having a massive book-collection zip file after the project is done for free on my website at http://www.TJunkers.com Thanks!
  5. I just got my copy of Detail in Contemporary Architecture today. It arrived 2 days ago, but work prevented me from getting it sooner. Impressions: Good, solid hardback book. Oversized (which I like). Broken down by materials into chapters - Concrete, Glass, Masonary, etc. NO DIMENSION LAYER in book (I haven't opened the DVD yet). There are usually something to go by - a scale at the bottom, labeled rooms with (rough) dimensions (i.e. room #7 20m x 15m) - no precise measurements. But you do get side elevations, top-down views and labels for the rooms. Photographs seem to accompany every floor plan and design. There are some very non-traditional houses (page 68). So if you've been wanting to do something besides the straight 4 walls and a roof house, then there are plans in this book. I'd love to model a number of these. With the current high Aussie dollar, it was well worth getting. I'll have a read through it this weekend. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here or PM me.
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