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Urban Exterior


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Hey Asadi,


Really nice work there... great textures and detailing. Just few points...

The window frame and the brick wall are looking a bit too clean.. They are not looking the part of the whole scene... Make it a bit dirty and the footpath texture looking a bit tiled.


The pole in between is a bit confusion. In the first image it looks like its tilted and touching the wall on top, but in the second image its looking like its standing on its own. Some issues with the shadows of it...


Hope you find it helpful..


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hey azadi,


really cool work and with good textures.. Heres few points I feel needs to take care of...


the windows and the bricks wall are way too clean. They need a bit of dirt to be the part of the same wall...

the pole on the footpath is a bit confusing... In the first view it looks like its tilted on top and touching the wall and in the second view its looking standing alone... May a bit of shadow issue... Thats it... Hope you got it and agreed... C ya..

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