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AXYZ are 3D people, scanned or modeled, Archvision are mostly 2.5D people, photographs and setup in their software so you can see them in different angles.

As mentioned early the quality of the actual photo is not as good as it should be, maybe there is something in the software technology or something.


You can download a demo for both and see what's look better for your projects.

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I went to their party at AU this year and they do have some cool new features coming up, such as creating your own RPC's from your own images. They are also aware of the fact that their content, especially people, is very dated. They are working on getting new content but it might be some time before you see that.


Their tools and process are pretty automated which can save you time, but if quality is your #1 priority then I would look into purchasing something else at this time.

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